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Canadian Cultural Exchange / Échanges culturels au Canada

Translation and Transculturation / traduction et transculturation

Edited by Norman Cheadle & Lucien Pelletier
Subjects Language Arts & Disciplines, Translation, Cultural Studies
Series Cultural Studies Hide Details
Hardcover : 9780889205192, 432 pages, July 2007
Ebook (EPUB) : 9781554586561, 432 pages, April 2011
Ebook (PDF) : 9781554580781, 432 pages, July 2007

Table of contents

Table of Contents for Canadian Cultural Exchange: Translation and Transculturation / Échanges culturels au Canada : traduction et transculturation, edited by Norman Cheadle and Lucien Pelletier
Norman Cheadle
Part I Transitive Canada (1): From Where to Here? / Un Canada transitif (1). En amont
La voix de l’Autre dans certains récits de voyage de l’Ouest canadien au temps de la Nouvelle-France | Alexandra Kinge et Alan MacDonell
The Creative Translator: Textual Additions and Deletions in A Martyr’s Folly | Albert Braz
“I am become Aaron”: George Elliott Clarke’s Execution Poems and William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus | Susan Knutson
Part II Cultural Appropriation Revisited / L’appropriation culturelle reconsidérée
Latin-Americanizing Canada | José Antonio Giménez-Micó
Transculturation and Cultural Exchange in Jane Urquhart’s Away and Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach | Shelley Kulperger
Transculturation in George Elliott Clarke’s Whylah Falls: or, When Is It Appropriate to Appropriate? | Laurence Steven
Repatriating Arthur Nortje | George Elliott Clarke
Part III The Transcultural Body / Le corps transculturel
I Write My Self: The Female Body as a Site of Transculturation in the Short Stories of Carmen Rodríguez | Carol Stos
Cantique du corps métis. La critique du mythe colonial dans Cantique des plaines de Nancy Huston | Jimmy Thibeault
Part IV Reconfiguring the Solitudes: Two plus other(s) / Deux solitudes quelques autre
La migration culturelle de Robert Dickson Propos recueillis | Lucien Pelletier
A Reduced Solitude: Eugen Giurgiu’s Ewoclem sau întortocheatele cărări [Ewoclem, or The Twisted Paths] as Romanian-Canadian Literature | Stephen Henighan
Polylingual Identities: Writing in Multiple Languages | Hugh Hazelton
La latinité des Québécois á l’épreuve | Victor Armony
Canadian Counterpoint: Don Latino and Dona Canadiense in José Leandro Urbina’s Collect Call (1992) and Ann Ireland’s Exile (2002) | Norman Cheadle
Appendix: The Uninvited Guest | Ann Ireland
Part V Transitive Canada (2): From here to where? / Un Canada transitif (2). En aval
Translating North and South: Elizabeth Bishop, Biography, and Brazil | Neil Besner
Dry Lips Moves to Tokyo: Does Indigenous Drama Translate? | Beverley Curran
Out of the Shadows: Translators Take Centre Stage | Judith Woodsworth
Postface. Transculturation et mémoire | Lucien Pelletier
List of Contributors / Liste des collaborateurs
Name Index / Index onomastique
Subject Index / Index des matières


The essays in Canadian Cultural Exchange / Échanges culturels au Canada provide a nuanced view of Canadian transcultural experience. Rather than considering Canada as a bicultural dichotomy of colonizer/colonized, this book examines a field of many cultures and the creative interactions among them. This study discusses, from various perspectives, Canadian cultural space as being in process of continual translation of both the other and oneself.
Les articles réunis dans Canadian Cultural Exchange / Échanges culturels au Canada donnent de l’expérience transculturelle canadienne une image nuancée. Plutôt que dans les termes d’une dichotomie biculturelle entre colonisateur et colonisé, le Canada y est vu comme champ où plusieurs cultures interagissent de manière créative. Cette étude présente sous de multiples aspects le processus continu de traduction d’autrui et de soi-même auquel l’espace culturel canadien sert de théâtre.