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Today's Future Becomes Tomorrow's Archive

Edited by Jarrett Earnest
Subjects Art, Social Science, Gender Studies
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Hardcover : 9780921344575, 320 pages, September 2022

Table of contents

Introduction: Between Mermaid and Cosmonaut: Another Past is Possible — Jarrett Earnest

Interview Fervor Forever: Nicole Brossard with Christine Davis — Christine Davis

Poem: Typhon dru — Nicole Brossard

What I Did for Love: The Double (Half) Life of Mr. Lavern Cummings. Dennis McBride with Matthew Leifheit — Matthew Leifheit

A Pietà for the 80s — Allen Frame

Dancing Through the Archive: Researching René Highway’s Final Choreography: Prism, Mirror, Lens — Cara Mumford

Interview: René Highway in Rehearsal: David Earle with Jonathan Osborn — Jonathan Osborne

Working for Willi Smith — Alexandra Cunningham Cameron

Interview: Remembering Ching ho Cheng: Sybao Cheng-Wilson with Simon Wu — Simon Wu

Alexander Wilson: Queer Parrhesiast — Stephen Maynard

Image Portfolio — Alexander Wilson

Interview: Heart and Mind: Stephen Andrews and John Greyson with Jarrett Earnest — John Greyson and Stephen Andrews

Afterworlding — Mia Kirsi Stageberg

Memories by Car — Itzolin Valdemar Garcia

Dad Can Dance — Jamie Ross

Interview: Linda Simpson with Alexis Blair Penny: My Comrade — Alexis Blair Penny

Image Portfolio: My Comrade: Long Live the Gay nation (Fall, 1988) — Linda Simpson

Vertical Integration (I Visited Vince Aletti) — Marc Mayer

Two Hungry Children: A Prodigal Return — Carson Sharpe

Interview: Light Your Name: Gil Saunders and Tim Smith with Ian Lewandowski — Gil Saunders and Tim Smith

Maria Lugones Remains — Josh Franco

GHOST IN THE MACHINE: Remembering Donald Ghostkeeper/Âhasiw Maskêgon-Iskwêw

Time is an Emotional Muscle: Barbara Hammer with Jarrett Earnest — Jarrett Earnest

Interview: Léonie Guyer with Simone Kearney: On the Edge of Visibility — Léonie Guyer

Poem: Field of View — Simone Kearney

Image Portfolio: Painting is a Supreme Fiction — Murry Jesse

Interview: Robert Flack: The Ethereal Body. Carla Garnet with Jarrett Earnest — Carla Garnet

Poem: glitter (white with rainbow confetti glitter / the formless body) — Candystore


Devotion: Today’s Future Becomes Tomorrow’s Archive, edited by Jarrett Earnest, contains essays and interviews, reproductions of notes, diagrams, works of art, and rare ephemera representing an archive of overlooked and excluded material.

Queer people have had to create and maintain archives as alternate repositories due to systematic exclusion from traditional archival practices and institutions. Propelled by the editor’s meticulous collecting and explorations of experimental living practices and embodied materiality, this book is a beautifully designed, radical collection of overlooked and forgotten IBPOC and LGBTQ2S+ archives.

Published by PUBLIC Books and distributed internationally by Wilfrid Laurier University Press.