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Scholarly Communication in the Next Millennium - Selected Papers from Canada’s Policy Conference placeholder

Scholarly Communication in the Next Millennium

Selected Papers from Canada’s Policy Conference

Edited by Rowland Lorimer, John H.V. Gilbert, and Ruth J. Patrick
Subjects Film & Media
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Paperback : 9780969898320, 245 pages, January 1998


Profound changes in the production, acquisition and use of scientific and scholarly knowledge have occurred since World War II.
Scholarly Communication in the Next Millennium explores a rich mosaic of issues — from technical to ethical; science to humanities; authors to readers; students to scholars — presented by electronic publishers, information specialists, librarians, government officials, scholars, scholars’ associations, business consultants and researchers in the field.
Their inspired considerations and recommendations are presented here along with a synopsis of the policy priorities and actions recommended by the participants.
Scholarly Communication in the Next Millennium: Selected Papers from Canada’s Policy Conference, a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Communication (Vol. 22, No. 3/4), is essential reading for anyone concerned with the future of scholarly publishing and the effects of electronic technology.