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Women’s Studies

Showing 71-80 of 94 titles.
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The Queen of Peace Room

What is memory, and where is it stored in the body? Can a room be symbolic of a lifetime?
Memories are like layers of your skin or layers of paint on a canvas. In The Queen of Peace Room, Magie Dominic ...

Repossessing the World

Why does it seem as if everyone is writing memoirs, and particularly women?
The current popularity of memoir verifies the common belief that we each have a story to tell. And we do...especially women. ...

The Feminine Gaze

Many Canadian women fiction writers have become justifiably famous. But what about women who have written non-fiction?
When Anne Innis Dagg set out on a personal quest to make such non-fiction authors ...

Love Strong as Death

A transcription of Lucy Peel’s wonderfully readable journal was recently discovered in her descendent’s house in Norwich, England. Sent in regular installments to her transatlantic relatives, the journal pre ...

The Satellite Sex

Have the Canadian media given feminism a bad name or have they been among the movement’s strongest supporters?
Is journalistic objectivity a myth when it comes to women’s voices, or doesn’t it matter? ...

Working in Women’s Archives

What comes to mind when we hear that a friend or colleague is studying unpublished documents in a celebrated author’s archive? We might assume that they are reading factual documents or, at the very least, s ...

The Widowed Self

How do older women come to terms with widowhood? Are they vulnerable or courageous, predictable or creative in dealing with this life challenge?
Most books about widows usually focus on younger women; ...

Clothed in Integrity

Barbara Paleczny, herself a daughter of garment workers, tugs at the threads of homeworking in the garment industry to reveal a low-wage strategy that rends the fabric of social integrity and exposes ...

Making Do

Life in the Great Depression — long lines of unemployed, soup kitchens, men riding the rails, public works projects — these are the graphic images of the Great Depression of the 1930s, popularized by the ...

Be Good, Sweet Maid

January 21, 1995: Dorothy Joudrie is arrested for attempting to murder her estranged husband. Soon after, Audrey Andrews begins to write her book. Audrey and Dorothy had known each other as children, ...