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Cyprus 1974, “This Ain’t No Picnic, It’s War”

The Combat Diary of Al Gaudet, Canadian Peacekeeper

Edited by David A. Kielstra
By Alain Gaudet
Subjects History, Battlefield Guides, Military History
Series Laurier Military History Hide Details
Paperback : 9781926804033, 88 pages, April 2010


Cyprus 1974: “This Ain’t No Picnic, It’s War” is the edited personal diary of Alain Gaudet, a twenty-two-year-old paratrooper with the Canadian Forces in a peacekeeping role in Nicosia, Cyprus. The diary is a fascinating look at daily life from the soldiers’ viewpoint. It gives the reader insight into the challenges and frustrations of a solider in combat, how he deals with the loss of friends and compatriots, and the extremes of emotions on display in a war zone.