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Germany’s Western Front: 1915

Translations from the German Official History of the Great War

Edited by Mark Humphries, John Maker, and Mark Osborne Humphries
Subjects German Studies, History, Military History, Language Arts & Disciplines, Translation
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Hardcover : 9781554580514, 462 pages, March 2010
Ebook (EPUB) : 9781554587100, 462 pages, March 2010
Ebook (PDF) : 9781554588268, 462 pages, March 2010

Table of contents

Table of Contents for Germany's Western Front: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War 1915, edited by Mark Osborne Humphries and John Maker
Table of Maps
A Note on the Translation and Sources
1. The Question of the War’s Centre of Gravity in January
2. The Western Front to the Middle of April
Decision-making at the OHL
Operations on Western Front until the Middle of February 1915
The Battle of Soissons
Seventh Army
The Winter Battle in the Champagne
Fifth Army
The French and British High Commands at the Beginning of the Year
The Apex of the Winter Battle in the Champagne from the Middle of February until the Middle of March 1915
Intentions of the French Commanders in the Champagne
The German Defence
Operations on the Remainder of the Western Front from the Middle of February to the Middle of March 1915
The Battle at Neuve Chapelle
Armee Abteilung Strantz
The OHL’s Return to the Western Front
The Defensive Battles from the Middle of March until the Middle of April
The Defensive Battle of Armee Abteilung Strantz
Armee-Abteilung Strantz
3. The Change in Falkenhayn’s Plans
The Creation of the New GHQ Reserve
The Plan to Mount a Decisive Breakthrough Operation in the West
The Political Situation and its Influence on the Military Decision-Making
To the Dardanelles Offensive
To the Employment of the GHQ Reserve in the East
4. The General Situation of the Central Powers in May
The Intervention of Italy
The Intensification of the Economic Situation and Economic Warfare by Submarine
The Manpower and Ammunition Situation to the End of the Year
5. The Western Front from the Middle of April to the Beginning of August
Operations to the Start of the Spring Battle at the Beginning of May
The OHL and the Western Army in April
Fourth Army’s Gas Attack at Ypres
The Offensive Battles of the Armee Abteilungs Strantz and Gaede
The Actions of the French and British Commanders to the Beginning of May
The Beginning of the Spring Offensive in the Artois
Sixth Army’s Battles from 9–14 May
General Lochow’s Assumption of Command on the Main Battle Front and the Fighting until the Middle of June
Operations of the Remaining Armies on the Western Front from the Middle of May to the End of July
The Renewal of the Major Offensive in the Artois: Operations from 16–18 June to the End of the Spring Offensive
The Reorganization of the Western Army Part I: Until the Beginning of August
6. Overview of the Multi-Front War During the Summer
The General Situation to the Beginning of August
The OHL’s Peace Efforts
Shifting the War’s Centre of Gravity
7. Overview of the Military Situation to the Middle of September
8. The Western Front from Mid-August to the Beginning of the Autumn Offensive
The Enemy’s Situation and Plans in the Summer
The OHL from August to 22 September
The Events on the Western Front until 22 September
In the Artois
In the Champagne
On the Remainder of the Western Front
9. The Autumn Offensive in the Artois and Champagne
The Preparation for the Battle (22 to 24 September 1915)
In the Artois
In the Champagne
The OHL until Noon on 25 September
The 25th of September
The Attack in the Artois
The Attack in the Champagne
Actions of the OHL during the afternoon of 25 September
26 September
In the Artois
In the Champagne
The Situation at the OHL
The Further Course of the Battle until the end of September
In the Artois: Operations, 30 September–10 October
In the Champagne: Operations, 11–13 October
In the Artois: Operations, 30 September–10 October
In the Artois: Operations, 11–13 October
In the Champagne: Operations, 30 September–5 October
In the Champagne: New Major Offensive Operations after 6 October
The Enemy’s Situation at the End of the Offensive
Lessons Learned from the Fall Offensive
10. The Western Front to the End of the Year
Operations of the Remaining Armies until mid-October
The Reorganization of the Western Army Part II
Operations from mid-October until the End of the Year
Fourth Army
Sixth, Second, and Seventh Armies
Third Army
Fifth Army
Armee Abteilung Strantz
Armee Abteilung Falkenhausen
Armee Abteilung Gaede
The Entente’s Situation in the West at the End of the Year
The Situation at the OHL in November and December
11. The Central Powers’ Situation at the End of 1915
Appendix 1: A Comparison of German, British, and French Artillery in the Spring Battles in the Artois
Appendix 2: A Comparison of German, British, and French Artillery in the Autumn Battles
Appendix 3: A Comparison of Forces at War’s Beginning and the end of 1915
Appendix 4: Overview of Powder and Munitions Production from War's Beginning to the End of 1915
Appendix 5: Standing Orders for the Defence in the West
Selected Bibliography


The first English-language translation of Der Weltkrieg, the German official history of the First World War.

Originally produced between 1925 and 1944 using classified archival records that were destroyed in the aftermath of the Second World War, Der Weltkrieg is the untold story of Germany’s experience on the Western front, in the words of its official historians, making it vital to the study of the war and official memory in Weimar and Nazi Germany. Although exciting new sources have recently been uncovered in former Soviet archives, this work remains the basis of future scholarship. It is essential reading for any scholar, graduate student, or enthusiast of the Great War.

This volume focuses on 1915, the first year of trench warfare. For the first time in the history of warfare, poison gas was used against French and Canadian troops at Ypres. Meanwhile, conflict raged in the German High Command over the political and military direction of the war. The year 1915 also set the stage for the bloodbath at Verdun and sealed the fate of the German Supreme Commander, Erich von Falkenhayn. This is the official version of that story.

Foreword by Hew Strachan

Co-published with the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic and Disarmament Studies


Offers a rare insight into Germany's official history.... There are virtually no documents from World War I because World War II destroyed them. The German Official History is as close to those documents as anyone can get [and] until now it has never been available in English.... [I]t is the definitive presentation of the German view of 1915 on the Western Front.

- Bob Gordon, Esprit de Corps, Volume 17 #9, 2010 October

Invaluable only starts to underline the value of this book to those interested in Germany at War 1914–1918.

- David Filsell, Stand To (Western Front Association), No. 94, July 2012, 2012 July

[This] English [translation of] the multivolume official German history of the war (Der Weltkrieg) is ... especially welcome.... The series features a laconic yet compelling operational narrative spliced with analytical chapters evaluating the options and decisions of the German High Command. Germany's Western Front: 1915 is, in fact, a compendium of three volumes dealing with perhaps the Western Front's bloodiest year: the year trench warfare began, the year poison gas was first used, the year a series of decisions set Germany on the road to Verdun. Generous explanatory footnotes from volume editors Humphries (Mount Royal College, Alberta, Canada) and Maker (ABD, University of Ottawa, Canada) clarify the material.... Indispensable.

- G.P. Cox, Gordon College, Choice, November 2010, 2010 November

In April 1945 ... when the Royal Air Force bombed Potsdam ... [the German] National Archive was destroyed.... Even allowing for the survival of other material in places such as Munich, and the return to Germany in the 1990s of documents siezed by the Soviets, historians working on the German army in the First World War are at a disadvantage compared to those studying the British, French, US, Australian, or Canadian armies. This means that Der Weltkrieg, the series of German official histories which drew upon now vanished material, assumes a far greater importance than, for example, the comparable British volumes edited by Sir James Edmonds, or Charles Bean's Australian offical account. As Hew Strachan points out in a perceptive foreword, Der Weltkrieg is not as well-known in English-speaking circles as it should be. One reason why people may have shied away from it is fear that its interpretations were contaminated by the authors' desire to stay in step with the Nazie regime. As both Strachan and the editors demonstrate, this is simply not the case. The second reason is the language barrier. Until now, the German official history has not been translated into English. The appearance of this volume, the first in a series, represents a very significant moment in the evolving Anglophone historiography of the Great War.... Although, like most official histories, it is rather dry in tone, the book reads well, something for which the editors and their translators, Wilhelm J. Kiesslebach, Peter Meinlschmidt, and Ralph Whitehead, deserve high praise.... The editors' helpful footnotes—which include references to modern research—enhance the value of the book.... By putting such a wealth of information from the German side at the disposal of English-speakers, Humphries and Maker have made an important contribution to achieving greater understanding of this critical year in the Great War.

- Gary Sheffield, University of Birmingham, English Historical Review, June 2012, 2012 July

In April 1945 ... when the Royal Air Force bombed Potsdam ... [the German] National Archive was destroyed.... Even allowing for the survival of other material in places such as Munich, and the return to Germany in the 1990s of documents siezed by the Soviets, historians working on the German army in the First World War are at a disadvantage compared to those studying the British, French, US, Australian, or Canadian armies. This means that Der Weltkrieg, the series of German official histories which drew upon now vanished material, assumes a far greater importance than, for example, the comparable British volumes edited by Sir James Edmonds, or Charles Bean's Australian offical account. As Hew Strachan points out in a perceptive foreword, Der Weltkrieg is not as well-known in English-speaking circles as it should be. One reason why people may have shied away from it is fear that its interpretations were contaminated by the authors' desire to stay in step with the Nazie regime. As both Strachan and the editors demonstrate, this is simply not the case. The second reason is the language barrier. Until now, the German official history has not been translated into English. The appearance of this volume, the first in a series, represents a very significant moment in the evolving Anglophone historiography of the Great War.... Although, like most official histories, it is rather dry in tone, the book reads well, something for which the editors and their translators, Wilhelm J. Kiesslebach, Peter Meinlschmidt, and Ralph Whitehead, deserve high praise.... The editors' helpful footnotes—which include references to modern research—enhance the value of the book.... By putting such a wealth of information from the German side at the disposal of English-speakers, Humphries and Maker have made an important contribution to achieving greater understanding of this critical year in the Great War.

- Gary Sheffield, University of Birmingham, English Historical Review, June 2012, 2012 July