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The Educational Legacy of Romanticism

Edited by John Willinsky
Subjects Education
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Paperback : 9781554586172, 324 pages, October 1990
Ebook (PDF) : 9780889205550, 324 pages, January 2006

Table of contents

Table of Contents for The Educational Legacy of Romanticism, edited by John Willinsky
From the Director
About the Authors
1. Rousseau's Emile: The Nature and Purpose of Education | Aubrey Rosenberg
2. Lessons from the Wordsworths and the Domestic Scene of Writing | John Willinsky
3. Coleridge, I. A. Richards, and the Imagination | Ann E. Berthoff
4. Teaching the Monster to Read: Mary Shelley, Education and Frankenstein | Anne McWhir
5. Nineteenth-Century Romantic and Neo-Romantic Thought and Some Disturbing Twentieth-Century Applications | Clarence J. Karier
6. Romantic Roots of Human Science in Education | Max van Manen
7. The Artist as the Model Learner | Diana Korzenik
8. Romanticism Domesticated: Maria Montessori and the Casa dei Bambini | Jane Roland Martin
9. Romanticism and Alternatives in Schooling | Edgar Z. Friedenberg
10. The Theory of the Subject in Contemporary Curriculum Thought | Madeleine R. Grumet
11. An Education in Romanticism for Our Time | Johan Lyall Aitken
12. Women's Writing and the Recovery of the Romantic Project: Lessons for Contemporary Writing Pedagogy | Deborah A. Dooley
13. Autobiographic Praxis and Self-Education: From Alienation to Authenticity | Richard L. Butt
14. Recapitulating Romanticism in Education | Kieran Egan


This international collection of essays by leading authorities in literature and education presents the first comprehensive view of the impact of Romanticism on education over the course of the last two centuries. Romanticism’s reconception of self, nature, writing and the imagination forms a chapter of intellectual history that has led to a number of innovative programs in the schools. The book returns to the educational thinking of key figures from the time—Rousseau, Wordsworth, Mary Shelley and Coleridge—before charting their influence on such historical and contemporary developments as Montessori schools, art education, free schools and current writing programs. The contributors tend to challenge common assumptions concerning Romanticism and do not shy away from its darker side; their work encompasses both theoretical considerations of Romantic and post-modern conceptions of the self and practical concerns with Romanticism’s potential for the school curriculum. The Educational Legacy of Romanticism represents a multi-disciplinary inquiry into the continuing influence which cultural endeavours can have on the social practices of society.