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Showing 221-230 of 249 titles.
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The Firm and the Formless

This volume is woven around the idea that wholeness (the firm) and fragmentation (risking formlessness) alternate in human affairs. This theme is applied to the history and the present condition of Australian ...

Essentially Canadian

Allan Sullivan wrote over forty works of popular fiction between 1890 and 1940; today it is difficult to find even one copy of many of these works. A well-known and widely read author in the first half ...

A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics

Gnostic beliefs presented themselves as a major challenge to Irenaeus of Lyons (Against Heresies, ca. A.D. 180), Hippolytus of Rome (the presumed author of the Elenchos Against All Heresies, post-A.D. ...

Party and Parish Pump

“My attention was drawn to Ireland by footnotes,” writes the author. “Over and over again the literature of comparative politics noted simply ‘except in Ireland’.... The question that puzzled me was, Why shoul ...

Mobilization for Total War

The two World Wars placed unprecedented demands on their participants and had a profound impact on many aspects of national life. The mobilization of human and material resources for total war by three ...

Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada

How is modern-day thinking about crime different from that of previous centuries? What are the similarities and differences in attitudes and systems between the civil and common law societies of Europe ...

Radar Development in Canada

This volume continues the story of teh National Research Council begun by Physics at the National Research Council of Canada (also written by Middleton) and Biological Sciences at the National Research ...

Lorenzo Magalotti at the Court of Charles II

In the late 1660s the English court received a visitor from Florence—Lorenzo Magalotti, an intelligent, sensitive writer and diplomat with a passion for observation and description. Magalotti had come f ...

Mobility, Elites and Education in French Society of the Second Empire

Based on a unique historical source, this book examines the social origins, career expectations, and first jobs of 28,000 students in the “elitist” French secondary schools of the 1860s. Using sophisticated sta ...

The Canadian Career of the Fourth Earl of Minto

The Governor-General of Canada was an influential political figure of major significance at the turn of the century. The Fourth Earl of Minto, who held this office from 1898 to 1904, is regarded by some ...