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Editions SR

Showing 31-38 of 38 titles.
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Prometheus Rebound

Modern atheism is a further act in the ancient drama of Prometheus vs Zeus. This book argues that the antagonism is false, as proved by the "irony": in which atheism turns into antitheism, transferring ...

A Victorian Missionary and Canadian Indian Policy

Canada's Indian policy has, since the 1830s, consisted mainly of attempts at cultural replacement. Although rarely practised, cultural synthesis of native and western cultures has been advocated as an ...

Of God and Maxim Guns

By Geoffrey Johnston
Subjects: Religion
Series: Editions SR

The founding of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria arose out of the enthusiasm of the young church in Jamaica. The first mission party arrived in Calabar in 1846 and settled into a routine of preaching, ...

L’étude des religions dans les écoles

By Fernand Ouellet
Subjects: Religion
Series: Editions SR

L'étude des religions a-t-elle sa place dans un système scolaire public lorsque la société et l'école sont de plus en plus marquées par le pluralisme idéologique? C'est à cette question que l'ouvrage tente d ...

Averroës’ Doctrine of Immortality

The introduction of Aristotelianism into the West created conflict, disruption, and turmoil. Not least, it confronted the Middle Ages with a serious problem concerning the possible conflict between reason ...

Mythologies and Philosophies of Salvation in the Theistic Traditions of India

Based on exhaustive reference to primary source material, this volume explores the relationships between religious mythologies and religious philosophical system within the theistic traditions in India. ...

Le messianisme de Louis Riel

By Gilles Martel
Subjects: Religion, History
Series: Editions SR

Le premier mai 1876 Louis Riel écrivait à Mgr Courget: "Le Saint-Espirt m'a dit: Tu es le Messie de Gloire humaine que la Maison de Jacob s'attendait à trouver dans le Verbe incarné".

A la suite de quel ...

The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature

By Terence Day
Subjects: Religion
Series: Editions SR

Early textual source of the vast body of Dharmasastra literature of India on religion, law, and morality contain numerous statements that present or imply an undefined conception of punishment. Yet nowhere ...