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Eastern Religions

Showing 1-7 of 7 titles.
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Gandhi in a Canadian Context

Gandhi in a Canadian Context examines a range of intriguing and under-studied connections between India’s greatest nationalist leader, Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948), and facets of life in Canada, including Gan ...

Readings in Eastern Religions

Originally developed for use in introductory courses on Eastern religious traditions, this popular anthology offers a selection of readings from primary texts of India, China, and Japan.
The selections ...

Craving and Salvation

Is there any escape form the awareness of pain and the bonds of an unending cycle of life? Why are human subject to craving" What is the nature human beings? The Buddhist understanding of salvation is ...

Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions

Mysticism and Eastern Religions, the fourth volume in the Collected Works and the third on Nightingale’s religion, begins with the publication for the first time of Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Devotional ...

Young Man Shinran

The Japanese Pure Land master Shinran (1173–1262) was a product of his age. His angst in the period of the decay of the Dharma, his subsequent search for spiritual liberation, and his ultimate discovery o ...

Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism

Har Dayal's The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature published in 1931 was the first extensive study in English of the Bodhisattva doctrine. Dayal discussed the Bodhisattva doctrine as ...

Developments in Buddhist Thought

Edited by Roy C. Amore
Subjects: Religion, Eastern Religions
Series: SR Supplements

Nine Canadian scholars of Buddhism consider philosophical and cultural issues in Buddhist thought. Part I, “On Being,” discusses the philosophical problem of Being in the school of the Middle Way, Mādhyamika Bud ...