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Cultural Studies

Showing 81-90 of 91 titles.
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The Films of Jack Chambers

Essay contributors include Stan Brakhage, Fred Camper, Jack Chambers, R. Bruce Elder, Avis Lang, Sarah Milroy, Bart Testa, Peter Tscherkassky, Ross Woodman, and Michael Zyd.

Published by Cinematheque ...

Panic Signs

Cristina Peri Rossi is one of the most acclaimed and personal voices in Hispanic letters. This volume of short stories, Panic Signs, first published in 1970 in Montevideo, Uruguay, presages the atrocities ...

Slippery Pastimes

Sixteen essays, written by specialists from many fields, grapple with the problem of a popular culture that is not very popular — but is seen by most as vital to the body politic, whether endangered by g ...

The Politics of Enchantment

What do "raves" have to do with eighteenth-century Romanticism, or the latest communication technologies with historical ideas about language, media, and culture?
Today’s culture dazzles us with technological m ...

NFB Kids

Imagine a society that exists solely in cinema — this book explores exactly that.
Using a half-century of films from the archival collection of the National Film Board, NFB Kids: Portrayals of Children ...

The Faces of Reason

The Faces of Reason traces the history of philosophy in English Canada from 1850 to 1950, examining the major English-Canadian philosophers in detail adn setting them in the context of the main currents ...

EcCentric Visions

What this book represents is, quite literally, a “slice” of (white) Australian life. By noting the patterns and parallels that emerge in a random sampling of social phenomena of widely varying types, fro ...

Religion and Ethnicity

The essays in this volume deal with the relationship between living religious traditions in Canada and the fabric of Canadian society. Canada is a pluralistic society, ethnically and religiously. How ...